Content Marketing
Educating towards attracting the right customer
At Link&Grow, we have a team of Digital Marketing professionals (strategists, copywriters, designers, PPC experts) who can define and implement a successful strategy for your company, by feeding website, blog and social networks.

We live in an increasingly digital world, in which companies and clients meet and do business online! This is where Content Marketing enters: it helps clients, with certain needs, in finding companies which offer the right solutions for them. The idea is simple: creating and sharing relevant content, which attracts people to your brand, without explicitly promoting products/services.

Content Marketing is a strategy focused on creating relevant and consistent content. It is shared aiming to attract a specific audience, which will be followed throughout the purchase process and even after the deal is closed. This is called (potential) customer nutrition. When done correctly, it helps establishing a trust relationship, by making it easier to conduct the business or purchase.
Many international companies – like Rolex, Burberry, Ben & Jerry’s, Frank Body and Asos – already bet on Content Marketing because they know that when they help customers solve their needs, they gain authority as a brand.
How to make the content available to the right people?
The internet has made all information accessible and people can control what they want to receive or not receive. So, it’s not enough to create content! You have to know how to highlight it, in the immensity that is the internet.
It’s not enough to send e-mails, have a Facebook page or create a blog. Your content has to follow SEO’s optimization rules and communicate with people, at all the different stages of the buying funnel. In addition, they have to consider the various customer profiles of each brand – the so-called personas.

1. SEO, the secret to show-up!
Content optimization in order to improve your organic positioning across the search engines.
When performing a search, people pay attention only to the first results that Google suggests. So, to do business online, that’s where you have to be! How? There are several SEO criteria to consider, which we focus on here.

2. Answer everyone, without exception!

Your potential customers are not, all, on the same level of the buying journey. Take the example of a used-cars’ stand:
– There is the customer who is now starting to look for cars, because his is giving problems.
– There is the one who is going to increase the family and urgently needs a 7-seater car.
– And there is also the one who has already decided the make and model he wants to buy.
Of course, they all have different doubts and the content that interests them will also be very different. It’s important to answer them all or you will lose business opportunities!
Do not mislead Content Marketing with content production on the advantages and results of the products and/or services you provide. Content Marketing is precisely the opposite: writing, while thinking about clients who need your products and/or services so that, like a boomerang, they come to you.
What can Content Marketing do for your business?

More traffic and
organic leads
The greater the number of visitors and leads ,raised organically, the lower the investment in PPC campaigns. Therefore, less costs for the company!

Being found by
those who matter!
It doesn't matter to have thousands of Instagram followers or thousands of website visits, if it doesn't generate conversions. Only by sharing relevant, original and SEO-optimized content, can you ensure that you are found by the right people.

Increased your
brand’s awareness
Nowadays, there are hardly any people who are not on the Internet. Those who are, and with enough visibility, gain more notoriety. Can you imagine your followers sharing their best content with other internet users? It's advertising at no cost! And it happens with many brands, when the content is really good.

A satisfied client is worth 5!
Content Marketing favours a better relationship between companies and clients, even after a first purchase has been made. According to Philip Kotle:
The profit a client gives the company tends to increase over time. It is important to establish and maintain a relationship based on trust, so you can trust, buy and return. And satisfied clients certainly come back!
How to produce Content Marketing?
Before starting, you need to outline a strategy and an action plan. From there, there are several ways to deliver your message:
Through the publication of blog articles, make useful contents available, thought-up of your personas and all the stages of the sales funnel. Through a good SEO work, it increases the number of pages indexed in the first search engine results and improves the probability of being found by potential clients.
If you have a blog, it's important to consistently publish authentic and quality articles, for people not to forget you and give authority to your brand.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest… Social networks have their own specificities and, therefore, the type of publications varies from platform to platform. The production of social media contents is the easiest way for a brand to get involved with clients. But, in Inbound Marketing, social media is not only about communicating with the public. They have a fundamental purpose: to generate more leads and sales!
E-mail is the most classic way to communicate with people and continues to be successful. But don't send e-mails without filtering your list! In Content Marketing, it is important to deliver the right content to the right person, in order to increase conversion rates.
The landing pages are pages designed solely for conversion. The copy, the images, the colours, the CTA... Everything is designed, in order to converting visitors into leads, through conversion forms.
These “landing pages” are used by Digital Marketing professionals to, for example, provide rich materials (such as infographics, e-books or checklists) or offering services (such as an evaluation query). The user's personal data, thus, acts as an exchange "currency".

We help you growing your company!
Content Marketing requires work to produce results: you need to think about what to write, when to publish and on which platforms, to whom to address the message and much more…
At Link&Grow, we have a team of Digital Marketing professionals (strategists, copywriters, designers, PPC experts) who can define and implement a successful strategy for your company, by feeding website, blog and social networks.
In addition to producing rich materials and carrying out lead-gathering campaigns, we constantly evaluate the results and find, at each step, improvement points, which will allow you to sell more and better.
Talk to us and start your journey towards growth!